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Shawbrook extends MyShawbrook portal to Bridging Product Range

Following the success of MyShawbrook Buy-to-Let last year, Shawbrook has extended its digital offering to now cover Unregulated Bridging with MyShawbrook Bridging.
Case Study Advocate

A short term loan and £4 million Customer Appetite Statement

Broker partner Advocate Finance approached Shawbrook with two clients looking to purchase a property in Southend, Essex to convert it into a high end six bedroom HMO.

Shawbrook fund £11.5m permitted development bridge

The specialist lender’s short term team and broker worked seamlessly to deliver this bridge in 6 weeks.

Shawbrook helps investor with property journey through purchase, refurbishment and sale

Case highlights bank’s relationship with client and newest Strategic Partner.

Shawbrook’s “Lending for Refurbishment Costs” gathers momentum

Shawbrook Strategic Partner “Crystal Finance” completes latest refurbishment deal on innovative “100% of refurbishment costs lending” product.